Services & Rates

Advanced Bodywork

60 minutes: $75

Experience an approach that is based on Integration and a fuller understanding of the body.  This session may include Muscle Energy Technique, which employs specific movement from the client in order to release a specific muscle or group of muscles.  We will focus on helping the body to be more organized so that pain and dysfunction can be alleviated in a subtle, yet direct way.  

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Myofascial Release

30 minutes: $40
60 minutes: $75

Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy intended to eliminate pain, increase range of motion, and rebalance the entire body. It does this by using massage techniques to stretch the fascia and release the bonds that exist between the fascia, muscles and bones. Fascia is the connective tissue that connects and covers all muscles, organs, and skeletal structures of the body. Direct myofascial release is sometimes known as deep tissue work. Indirect release applies light pressure and gently stretches the fascia; this allows for increased blood circulation and relief from pain.

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CranioSacral (SM)

60 minutes: $75
30 minutes: $40

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience.

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Swedish Massage

30 minutes: $40
60 minutes: $75
90 minutes: $110

This traditional Massage technique focuses on a gentle, slow and relaxed approach.  When most people think of a light-moderate pressure massage with oils & lotions to gently loosen the tension in the body, this is the one that comes to mind.    

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Deep Tissue Massage

30 minutes: $40
60 minutes: $75
90 minutes: $110

When the going gets tough, the tough get a Deep Tissue Massage.  Don't be intimidated by the name.  Deep isn't always painful.  When there is any need to get into a deeper pressure, this is the one for you.  

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Chair Massage

60 minutes: $50

Chair massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension right in your home or workplace. You receive your massage in a specialized ergonomic chair which I bring to your location. In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule.  Prices may vary and travel time is included 

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Hot Stone Therapy

30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $90
90 minutes: $120

Hot Stone Therapy is a style of massage where heated stones are cooled and worked into the massage at specific sites on your body to deepen relaxation and promote comforting relief. Muscles that are heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.

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Pregnancy Massage

30 minutes: $40
60 minutes: $75

Pregnancy Massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, Pregnancy Massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.

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Sports Massage

30 minutes: $40
45 minutes: $55
60 minutes: $75
90 minutes: $110

Sports Massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body's natural immune function.

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